This is the Sailor Moon Bio site.
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon- Sailor Moon's real name is Serena. She is the star of the show Sailor Moon. Serena is a very clumsy 14 year old. After she helps a cat named Luna she learns that she is Sailor Moon. Together with Sailor Venus, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Mars, she has to save the world. At first, she was a crybabay brat who would cry at almost everything. But later, she got used to being Sailor Moon and would stop at nothing to save her friends. After she helps a cat named Luna she learns that she is Sailor Moon. Luna gave her the transformation locket and told her to shout out, "Moon Prism Power!!" Serena did, and she became Sailor Moon for the first time. After she helps a cat named Luna she learns that she is Sailor Moon. Together with Sailor Venus, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Mars, she has to save the world.
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