Cardcaptor Sukura (NA title "Cardcaptors")
Cardcaptors is a story about a girl named Sakura who lives with her father and her brother.
Her mother died when she was only three years old. Sakura goes to a normal school and has normal friends.
The only thing that isn't normal about her is she has magical powers. The powers can be used to call upon the spirits of Clow Cards and can be used to turn a key into a staff. It all began one day when she went into a bookstore and pulled out an old book. It had no title but contained cards. After she read the "Windy" card the other 51 magical cards escaped.
She is on a quest to capture all the Clow cards before her two rivals Lee Showron and Meilin Rae can.
Parental Guide Raring - There is nothing wrong with Cardcaptors. It is perfect for any age and anyone who is interested
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